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Girls Volleyball PSG

What is a PSG?  A PSG is a Parent Support Group. It’s the group of parents who help run and support our program. 


Our PSG has a board which consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. These positions are voted on by the parents of the program. Elections are held via email after the current season for the following school year. Anyone is welcome to nominate someone or themselves for a position each year.


Our board oversees the monthly PSG meetings that run throughout the school year. We are responsible for communicating with the coaching staff to determine their needs for the season and making sure there are adequate funds in the PSG account to cover any expenses not covered by district funding. The board attends the monthly Education Foundation meetings that oversee our PSG.


The board holds meetings so that decisions can be made to plan for the season. Committee Chairs attend these meetings and are extremely important in helping run a successful volleyball season. These chairs coordinate everything from Snack Bar sales to planning Varsity Lunches. They help plan events like Pink Out, Senior Night and our End of Year Banquet.  Our PSG is also responsible for planning fundraising events to ensure that we have the funds necessary to run our program, this includes our all important Summer Camp . Smaller meetings may be held with our Committee Chairs to work on specific events.  All of these meetings give parents the opportunity to work together to create and promote the culture and spirit of the volleyball program. It takes a lot of team work and many hands and heads to plan for these events.


As you have just learned about our PSG and all the amazing things we do to create a positive experience for your daughters, we hope you will consider becoming actively involved in your our PSG! The stronger our PSG, the more successful our program will be! We have big plans for volleyball in the coming years and we know that with our commitment to the program it’s going to be one of the best athletic programs at Chaparral.


Meet our 2025-2026 Executive Board


President - Sara Bomstad

Vice President - Hebrecia Brewer

Treasurer - Megan La Barre

Secretary - Nicole Brinegar



If you are interested in learning about the positions on our board please click here.

Contact Us

Questions‭? ‬Feel free to reach out to our Volleyball PSG

Thanks for submitting!

PSG Board


The role of President is pretty easily defined – they oversee it all. The President should not only be comfortable with creating the agenda for regularly scheduled meetings, but also running the meetings, soliciting volunteers for various committees, and spearheading all fundraising. They need to be able to communicate with the coaches, Athletic Director and possibly the principal and/or ASB advisor in a positive and discreet manner and head/organize the "all program meeting." They must also submit all proper documentation to the ed foundation board as needed. Ideally, the President will have served in at least one other capacity during their time with the organization so that they have the experience to oversee any other role, if needed.


Vice President

The VP is essentially the President’s right-hand man or woman, and should have a good working relationship with the President. The VP is typically responsible for fulfilling the duties of the President should they be unable (ie: running the meeting if the President is not present), as well as assisting with other duties that contribute to everything running smoothly, such as setting up for the meeting and heading up various committees. Ideally, the Vice President is someone that aspires to hold the position of President in the future, and should be looking at their time as VP as a training ground for future greatness. Like the President, a good VP will have held other roles within the organization, so they are able to fill in at a moment’s notice.



Collects payments, accepts fundraiser monies must be good with numbers, forecasting needs and handling the budget for the PSG. In addition to being trustworthy and reliable, the Treasurer should also be someone who is interested in taking on various leadership responsibilities when called upon such as coordinating volunteers, stepping in for the Secretary or Vice President when needed, or heading up committees. 



A great Secretary should be looked upon as the organization’s eyes and ears. They’ll be responsible for taking notes during meetings and sending them out to the entire membership afterward and maintaining any and all files and forms for the group. All communication from the organization to the greater parent/community population should come from the Secretary, so that all messaging is cohesive and there is no overlap in communication. The secretary should be available to handle any questions or concerns that may arise. In addition, the Secretary should maintain an up-to-date list of contact information for other members, volunteers, and their entire audience (parents, teams, and community members). 

A PSG cannot exist on its own without these four positions in place. Additionally, these four position heads are required to attend the monthly education foundation meetings that occur year round during the school year whether in season or not. They also may need to fill in or take over various committee head positions if those positions are not filled. Keep in mind, discretion is a must!


Committee Chairs

During the course of the season, various events will occur that will require a leader who will oversee the volunteers and will be accountable in order for the event to run efficiently. This is where the other members of the program who haven’t been elected to the board have an opportunity to get involved.


Snack Bar- Sets up schedule and snack bar before games start, organizes volunteer staff, sends reminders, collects/organizes drinks/snacks for purchase. Drinks and snacks are never allowed to be given away even to those working. This is an important fundraiser for the program.


Varsity Lunches- Should be a varsity parent. Organizes a schedule for the varsity parents to donate lunch to the varsity team on home game days. Sends out reminders.


Website/Social Media-  Maintain Chaparral Volleyball website, Instagram, Facebook. Keeps website up to date, promotes our program, shares fundraiser events and game day schedule. Photographer-Takes action shots at every varsity game of all the players. Uploads pics to an account that can be accessed by the team. Every game, is in charge of sending 8-10 great shots to Inland Empire Sport and News or whichever news organization we are working with for publicity purposes. Also, creates photo albums for graduating senior players.


Pink Out- Send out information to the program about valley wide Pink Out event night. Orders and distributes Pink fundraiser tees to the different teams. organizes a school "Pink" game. If our school's turn to host the Pink Out event, then organize and collect pink decorations to "pinkify" the whole gym!


Senior Night- Spearhead Senior night. Purchase flowers for Puma seniors, visiting school graduating seniors, the announcers, and senior cheerleaders. Purchase balloons or entryway decorations. Be available to oversee decorating of the gym. Set up tables in a decorative manner to house senior pics, leis etc. Make sure senior banners are ordered ahead of time and displayed in an attractive manner. 


Banquet- Choose a date and location by working with coaches and board members. Must be after any potential CIF games. Organize food options whether donated or catered. Set up tables for food, senior gifts, awards and trophies. Arrange tables, chairs, decorations. Order balloons if desired. Include senior banners, action shots or pictures as decorations. Set up an itinerary for the evening. 

Email our Board if you have any Questions:

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